
Peer Reviewed Publications

Emily Elia. “Can the Fairer Sex Save the Day? Voting for Women After Corruption Scandals.” Forthcoming in Political Behavior.

Emily Elia and Leslie A. Schwindt-Bayer. 2022. “Corruption perceptions, opposition parties, and reelecting incumbents in Latin America.” Electoral Studies 80: 102545.

Book Chapters

Emily Elia. “Corruption, Gender, and Elections: The Presence of Female Candidates on Party Lists After Corruption Scandals in Chile and Uruguay.” In Handbook on Gender and Corruption, ed. Tiffany D. Barnes and Emily Beaulieu Bacchus. Forthcoming.

Working Papers

Drafts available upon request.

Emily Elia, Leslie A. Schwindt-Bayer, and Sofia B. Vera. “Corruption, Partisanship, and Voting: A Survey Experiment during the Brazilian Presidential Election.” Under Review.

Emily Elia. “Corrupt but Competent: The Impact of Elite Performance on Corruption Voting in Argentina.” Under Review.

Emily Elia. “Who Fights Corruption? Anticorruption Bill Proposals in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.”